
of Manuscript Manager:

Click through a workflow demo below to experience Manuscript Manager as an author, reviewer, editor or an administrative staff member.

If you like what you see in the demo, register for a free 30-day trial for the purpose of stakeholder evaluation.

If so desired, the trial can then go live.

Workflow demos

See how the Manuscript Manager peer review system works by clicking through these typical workflows by role.

Author submits a manuscript

Demo of how an author signs up and submits a manuscript to your journal.

Sub-editor invites reviewers

Demo of how a sub-editor finds and invites appropriate reviewers for a manuscript.

Editor uses 'Reviewer Connect'

Demo of how an editor can use ‘Reviewer Connect’ from Publons to generate a list of potential reviewers

Admin invites Editor-in-Chief

Demo of how an administrator does an initial document check and invites an editor-in-chief.

Reviewer submits review

Demo of how an expert reviewer submits an evaluation of a manuscript.

Sub-editor adds reviewer

Demo of how a sub-editor adds a reviewer who is not already in the journal database

Editor-in-Chief invites Sub-editor

Demo of how the editor-in-chief invites sub-editor with domain expertise to lead the review.

Editor-in-Chief makes a decision

Demo of how an Editor-in-Chief makes a decision, based on sub-editor’s recommendation & external reviews.

How to Proxy

Demo of how an administrator can perform tasks on behalf of another user

Configure demos

See how easy it is for you to configure your journal with Manuscript Manager. Though set-up help is free, administrative staff members can also take an active role in setting the journal up or make adjustments as desired.

Configuring your journal's settings

Demo of how you can make adjustments to review times, confidentiality levels, etc.

Configuring your email templates

Demo of how to adjust the built-in email templates to fit your journal’s style and tone.

Adding your editorial team

Demo of how to add editorial staff members for your journal.

Setting permissions for team

Demo of how an administrator sets permissions for team members.

Adding reviewers/ed. board

Demo of how to add reviewers or editorial board members one by one.

Manuscript Manager encourages customers and business partners to uphold high standards in academic and peer review practices. Thus, we refer to the standards of DOAJ, COPE and OASPA, when considering partnerships.